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Three Alabama police officers injured after driver of stolen SUV rams into squad cars

Three police officers in Alabama are currently in recovery after their squad cars were intentionally rammed by a stolen SUV. Despite the incident, the officers were able to apprehend the driver before requiring medical treatment. However, a physical altercation ensued during the arrest.

3 Alabama cops injured by stolen SUV driver

In Birmingham’s west side, police officers were in the midst of responding to a domestic violence call when an unrelated suspect, involved in another case, forcefully crashed a stolen SUV into three police cars. This alarming incident took place in the 1500 block of 14th Street S.W.

In a sudden collision, two officers sustained injuries. One officer was inside his patrol car while the other was standing nearby when the squad car was pushed into him. The suspect, a 26-year-old driver, became confrontational when approached by an officer after the accident.

The third officer sustained injuries while trying to apprehend the suspect, as reported by AL. The officer’s identity has not been disclosed yet, pending formal charges. Law enforcement officials discovered that the stolen SUV had been taken during a domestic burglary in east Birmingham a few hours before the incident occurred.

Birmingham Fire and Rescue Service provided medical care to all individuals involved in the incident, including two officers and the suspect. Following the incident, they were taken to the hospital for further treatment. Fortunately, they have been discharged and are recovering well.

The stolen SUV and the police cars sustained significant damage. Once the suspect was released from the hospital, he was transferred to the Birmingham City Jail and charged with a 48-Hour Felony Extension Assault 1st Degree. Additionally, he will face charges in connection with a previous domestic violence incident.

BPD Officer Truman Fitzgerald expressed his gratitude for the fact that despite the extensive damage caused, the officers involved in the incident were able to walk away with only minor injuries. The BPD Special Victims Unit and BDP Wreck Investigators are currently conducting an investigation into the matter.

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