Teens Arrested in Arizona for Smuggling Illegal Migrants—Shocking Border BUST!

Two 17-year-old U.S. citizens were arrested in Arizona for allegedly smuggling three Mexican migrants across the border. The incident occurred at Palominas, a small village along the US-Mexico border, and was reported by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The arrests shed information on authorities’ continued attempts to combat unlawful border operations.

Border Patrol Spots Suspicious Activity

The investigation began after US Border Patrol surveillance agents saw a person dressed in camouflage in an area notorious for smuggling operations.

Agents replied by investigating and eventually pulling over a black Dodge Ram pickup truck to conduct an immigration inspection.

A 17-year-old male US citizen was driving, with a 17-year-old female US citizen as a passenger. Both of the teenagers come from New Mexico. Agents discovered three males hiding in the backseat.

Details of the Arrests

The three males in the backseat were Mexican nationals who were illegally present in the United States, with each having previously been removed from the country.

Authorities seized the truck and arrested the driver and passenger before taking them to the Brian A. Terry Border Patrol Station for processing.

Additionally, authorities detained and processed the three Mexican nationals for removal. They will testify as material witnesses in a human smuggling prosecution against the driver.

According to CBP, the female passenger will not be prosecuted at this time.

The arrests are another example of officials cracking down on smuggling activities along the border, with the investigation still underway.

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