Stapleton Principal Discovered Deceased In Nevada Hotel Room

A Stapleton High School principal and athletic director accused of sexual assault was found dead in a Nevada hotel room, authorities said.

Logan County Attorney Andrew Van Velson stated that a warrant for Jeremiah Johnson’s arrest was being processed when police uncovered his vehicle and found him dead on January 21.

Johnson previously taught high school English at Cedar Bluffs Public Schools from 2019 until 2022.

On Jan. 20, a parent reported to the Logan County Sheriff’s Department that Johnson had attempted to make sexual attempts toward their student in a private spot on school premises. Authorities said the student escaped.

The allegations sparked an inquiry, which resulted in criminal charges, a warrant for Johnson’s arrest, and the confiscation of his computer devices.

The Logan County Attorney’s Office recalled the warrant after Johnson’s death, closing the case. However, Sheriff Sean Carson stated that investigators are looking into other such events.

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