In Garland, Texas, a heartbreaking incident occurred as detectives are currently investigating the untimely death of a woman. The incident took place in the early hours of January 21, 2025, when Garland Police received a distress call regarding a gunshot wound at an apartment complex located in the 4500 block of Chaha Road.
Upon the officers’ arrival, they discovered a woman in the parking lot who had sustained a gunshot wound. She was immediately transported to the hospital but unfortunately succumbed to her injuries.
Police report that there was a disturbance involving a man and two females, as revealed in the investigation.
According to the police, a woman was shot during the altercation by Robert Ray Kelly, a 39-year-old resident of Dallas. Kelly fled the scene before the officers arrived.
Detectives are currently investigating the situation to understand the factors that led to this incident. They strongly believe that this is an isolated event.
The authorities are currently withholding the identity of the victim.
The police are currently searching for Robert Kelly and are urging the public to come forward with any information that could help in locating him.
If you have any information about his location, please reach out to the Garland Police Department at 972-485-4840. You can also provide anonymous tips to Garland Crime Stoppers by calling 972-272-8477 (TIPS) or visiting their website at
If you have any information that can lead to Kelly’s arrest, you could be eligible for a reward of up to $5,000.