Ministers seek advice on potentially reclassifying ketamine as a Class A drug

Ketamine can lead to severe health issues, such as permanent harm to the bladder and kidneys.

Spiking incidents frequently involve the detection of this drug.

Ketamine is often utilized in veterinary medicine and healthcare facilities, but it has also gained popularity as a recreational drug because of its hallucinogenic properties.

According to the latest data, a record-breaking number of individuals, approximately 299,000 individuals aged 16-59, reported using ketamine in the year ending March 2023.

In 2014, authorities upgraded Ketamine from a Class C substance, citing an increasing body of evidence pointing to its physical and psychological risks.

Producing and supplying ketamine can result in a maximum prison sentence of up to 14 years. If found in possession of ketamine, individuals can face up to five years in prison, an unlimited fine, or both.

If it is upgraded to a Class A drug, the penalties for supplying and producing it could include life imprisonment. Possession of the drug could result in up to seven years in prison, an unlimited fine, or both.

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