Hanukkah celebrations began at sundown on December 25, 2024, marking the start of the eight-day “Festival of Lights” for Jews in Arizona and around the globe. The holiday, which commemorates the miraculous rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem around 200 BC, brings together families and communities to celebrate the enduring power of faith and light.
The story of Hanukkah centers around a small Jewish army that reclaimed the Temple from Greek forces. They found only enough oil to light the menorah for one night, but miraculously, the oil lasted for eight days, which is why the holiday lasts eight days.
Rabbi Mendy Deitsch of Chabad of the East Valley shared insights into the deeper meaning of Hanukkah, emphasizing how even small, positive actions can make a significant impact on the world. “So Hanukkah tells us that we can do an action, any action that we do, if it’s a positive one, we are making a difference in the world around us,” said Rabbi Deitsch.
Hanukkah will conclude on January 2, 2025. For those interested in learning more about Hanukkah traditions and where to join in the celebrations, details are available online.