According to authorities and a local report, a Texas father tragically lost his life in a heartbreaking incident. He suffered a medical episode while attempting to save his teenage son, who was unfortunately killed in an accidental shooting involving his own brother.
The Texas City Police Department reported that a shooting occurred at a residence in Texas City at approximately 1:30 a.m., resulting in the death of 17-year-old Joshua Gonzales. Upon their arrival, the police found Gonzales deceased.
According to the police, an investigation has revealed that the firearm was accidentally discharged by Joshua Gonzales’ 15-year-old brother, resulting in the tragic death of the 17-year-old.
“During the attempt to administer lifesaving measures, the victim’s father, Julian Gonzales, tragically suffered a fatal medical episode,” police said.
Julian Gonzales, also known as Jay, tragically suffered a heart attack while heroically attempting to save his son’s life. This devastating incident resulted in his untimely passing. Jay was widely recognized and admired as a talented tattoo artist within his local community.
“He did so much for so many people. Now he’s gone. I know this world is going to feel it. He touched a lot of hearts. He did a lot for the community,” Gonzales’ friend and business partner, Melo Salazar told the station.
The police have questioned the 15-year-old brother and he was subsequently released while further investigation is pending.
According to FOX26, family and friends are expressing ongoing concerns about the welfare of Gonzales’ 15-year-old son in the aftermath of the tragic incident.
“All that trauma and pain, and questions, and ‘what if’, and guilt, and blaming himself, and all that even though it was just a mere accident,” Salazar said.
Jay Gonzales, the owner of Artistic Image Tattoo Studio in Texas City, was well-known for his compassion and dedication as a father and businessman. He was always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need.