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Colorado State Patrol Trooper Involved In Collision While Transporting Individual In Custody, Both Taken To Hospital

A crash occurred involving a Colorado State Patrol trooper who was transporting someone in custody, as reported by CSP.

On Sunday, a crash occurred, resulting in the closure of westbound Highway 24 at Newt Drive.

The State Patrol reported that the crash occurred at 4:48 p.m. when the trooper was transporting an individual in custody. The person had been arrested on a warrant during a previous traffic stop. According to troopers, the crash also involved a Toyota Prius, which had only one occupant.

According to troopers, the unidentified trooper was taken to the hospital as a precautionary measure. Additionally, the trooper’s passenger, who sustained non-life threatening injuries, was also transported to the hospital by ambulance.

According to CSP, the driver of the Prius allegedly declined transportation.

Authorities are currently investigating the crash.

The Colorado State Patrol stated in a release that they are still investigating all possible causes for this crash.

The Colorado Springs Police Department’s Major Crash Team is currently investigating the crash.

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